Progress begins at the ballots
The challenges this country faces to better position itself for a positive future are significant. While not unachievable, they are indeed undeniably difficult and require strong, sound, forward-thinking leadership across all facets of our democracy. Most of America’s obstacles require a significant change in mentality.
The real face of change comes from you, though it is not a physical feature you can see in the mirror. It is your vote. Your vote is what can help decide who that leadership is made up of and what direction it will take towards facing our country’s challenges.
There’s never been a more important time to vote than right now. It feels like we keep saying that but that’s because it’s true. The most important time to vote will always be ‘right now.’ We at Romanelli encourage you all to learn about issues at hand and who the candidates are that can help us all overcome pitfalls of our society. And we encourage you to then go vote for those candidates. Vote to help supply our democracy and future with reforming legislation.
We are once again closing the office on Election Day so our staff can cast their votes. We can think of nothing more important than exercising our right to make our community, our country the best it can be.
Something else that matters: turning Election Day into a national holiday so workers can vote. Nearly 50% of the United States’ population is the every-business-day American worker. That means that roughly 165 million Americans cannot get the day off to go vote. In today’s world, that is decidedly unacceptable. ‘Let workers vote’ is a passionate initiative we launched in 2020. We ask that you help us push the rights for workers to vote on the most important day of the year in our democracy.
Visit letworkersvote.com to learn more about how to register, voting early, voting by absentee ballot, and how to help us make Election Day a national holiday in the future.
(Hear what his dog has to say about him)